Because it's so difficult to get young children to eat toast and cheese, it being such an unnatural and un-kid-friendly snack...
Okay, I just like Halloween, and holidays, and any time I can holiday up a staple like toast, I'm gonna do it. This food "craft" if you will, is fast, super easy, and turns out pretty well with any level of creative skill. You'll need bread, a toaster oven, and orange cheese that can melt (the orange cheese that turns to industrial plastic liner when heated -- and you know what I mean, because we've all had it, and some of us like it -- will not do).
Arrange your bread. Before applying cheese, round it by trimming the corners with a small knife. Then cut eyes and a nose with the same knife. For the mouth, the easiest thing to do is cut the large shape of the mouth, then cut and add teeth after (remember, this is going to melt together, so it will look like one big pumpkin jack-o-lantern face as long as the edges overlap or meet). Arrange your cheesy "face" on the bread and pop it in the toaster oven.

The result is yummy, cheesy fun. It's a great way to add a little kid-fun and holiday cheer to your average soup or munchy snack. Pictured here is a whole wheat bread and mild cheddar cheese. A dark rye or pumpernickel will offer more contrast and really make that pumpkin grin stand out! Our preschoolers are always smiles to find faces staring back at them from their plates. I'm not sure if that's funny or frightening, but since either is welcome at Halloween, bon appetite!