Geekosphere Snapshot for the Week of 12/9/2019
Infinity RPG (Bundle of Holding): Agent! This Infinity RPG Bundle features the Modiphius Entertainment tabletop roleplaying game of spacefaring adventure in the Human Sphere and beyond. Based on Corvus Belli's popular Infinity miniatures skirmish game, the Infinity RPG casts you as Bureau Noir law enforcement agents undertaking missions on a dozen worlds. Track pirates amid the shattered planetoids of Human Edge; delve the oceans of Varuna; duck gunfire in the twisted emerald jungles of Paradiso; pursue rogue AIs through Nomad motherships. Meanwhile, from beyond the Human Sphere, the alien Combined Army has invaded, threatening to destroy humanity
One Page Dungeon Generator (watabou):
Watabou's One Page Dungeon Generator is a wonderful free resource for DMs of all experience levels. It can be used for any fantasy role playing game and generates some wonderful maps.
Why We Write: Rogue Blades Foundation and the Future of
Heroic Literature (Black Gate):
Fantasy readers, like those who dwell together here at Black Gate, are long familiar with notions of heroes and the heroic. Each of us might have our own ideas about what makes a hero, but we would likely find common ground in a discussion of the matter.
That being said, is there any doubt our world today is in need of heroes? Heroes do continue to exist in our entertainment, but often enough they are flawed or irrelevant or humorous to the point of being more pastiche than worthy of admiration. Obviously there are examples of the upstanding hero, yet they seem few and far between compared to our increasing occupation with the deranged or the out-and-out vile. It seems we are more often rooting for the fellow behind the hockey mask or clown makeup than we are for the character who boldly steps forward to set things right in a dark world. Too often our heroes seem to stand alone, if they stand at all.
Adventures in Fiction: Leigh Brackett (Goodman Games):
The sad truth is that Appendix N is overwhelmingly a
boys’ club. Much of the blame can be assigned to the fact that
science-fiction and fantasy writers prior to 1960s were by and large
white men. It was a tough club for a woman to break into, resulting in
many female authors with an interest in writing science-fiction and
fantasy to work under either pen names (such as Andre Norton) or their
initials (like C.L. Moore). A few managed to find success and
publication without obscuring their femininity, proving that gender is
meaningless when it comes to writing rollicking good sci-fi and fantasy.
Leigh Brackett was one of these women who earned her place in the club
without needing to hide her identity.
Ghostbusters Afterlife Trailer (Sony Pictures):
That's just a glimpse of what's out there this week. What have you seen lately that has you Geeking Out?