I'll join in
1. up at 4:30 am,
2. pearls (more class),
3. The Protector,
4. MNF,
5. Corn Pops or oatmeal,
6. quick,
7. Paul,
8. Brussel Sprouts -childhood hangup,
9. N/A
10. Tuna,
11. Cutting my hands climbing a chain link fence,
12. Arbitraryness, (my weakness spelling)
13. running shoes,
14. Nepal,
15. Coral,
16. N/A
17. Philly (there is something about a big city)
18. 20
19. Baseball, Football
20.to 22. N/A
23. Me
24. 8/12
25. Long distance running (it only takes me 6 miles to clear my mind), reading
26. Not sure, or that hell is really one long spelling test
27. passing out on the hood of a car, that was not mine.
28. missed a tree by 3 inches while skiing in Co.
29. Attny
30. She knows who she is,
31. I'd like a dog but none now
32. Plastic
33. A judge, a doctor (what can I say, I am not the greatest at advanced math).
34. Mums - they are tough, I respect endurance
35. If I could, I would make people more reasonable.
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