Thursday, June 02, 2005

Help support the mentally challenged, watch Chaotic.

For those of you who didn't reject all television as crap when Nick & Jessica shared their Newlywed experience with us, you can be among the 1.1 million people who care about Chaotic. When you see that a show like this is on television, it almost makes you lose hope in humanity, but then you see how poorly it performs and all becomes well with the world.

Just in case you think the title is a bit harsh, consider the following dialogue:

  • BRITNEY: I love you Kevin.

  • KEVIN: .....

  • BRITNEY: Well, if you won't say you love me...I take it back! I don't love you anymore!

  • or

  • BRITNEY: Love is cool, it's a cool thing that you have to work at.

  • or

  • KEVIN: I think you are afraid to love, and that makes me afraid to love you.

  • For G-d's sake, someone force these people to read some poetry, or a dictionary, or at least watch film adaptations of Jane Austen novels.

    Sure, there's lots of Chaos on Chaotic, if you consider childishness to be Chaos. Me? I prefer blood sacrifices to Khorne the Blood God as representative of Chaos.

    Where's the love?

    I guess I'll have to settle for Meet the Barkers. At least Travis got a Desert Eagle for Christmas.

    Blood for the Blood God!!

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