Showing posts with label Power Rangers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Rangers. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Coming to Kickstarter Next Week: Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

Renegade Game Studios (CLANK!, Kids on Bikes, Overlight) has teamed up with Hasbro and will be launching a new Power Rangers board game on August 14th. The release comes just in time for Power Morphicon, which takes place in Anaheim the week after the game launches. Renegade will be attending the con and there will be playable demos there

The game, Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid, is a co-operative board game designed by Jonathan Ying (Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Doom: The Boardgame) that challenges 2-5 players to save Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa’s evil army of monsters. The game features the classic line up of Rangers and like many games launched on Kickstarter features over-sized plastic miniatures.

The preliminary digital renderings of the miniatures look fantastic, so this game is following the trend set by Cool Mini or Not, IDW, and other publishers who use the platform. The game is scheduled for release in the Spring of 2019 and is designed to play in 45 minutes to an hour.

I look forward to watching the Kickstarter proceed and seeing the full array of miniatures and expansions that Renegade Game Studios will be offering.