Your average consumer isn't a collector of games and doesn't have room in their house for 1000+ board/card/roleplaying/family games and resources like these two books allow for those consumers to purchase games based on the opinions of individuals who have a great deal of experience in designing and playing games.
In August of that year, I and my fellow Geekerati panelists had the honor of chatting with editor James Lowder about the book and added some of our own recommendations. You can listen to the episode here:
The list of games in this edition a wonderful selection of the popular and the rare and consumers cannot go wrong with any of the games on the list.
In case you are wondering, I have provided a copy of the games included in the new volume below. Those games that are in bold are games that I own and those games that are italicized are games that I have merely played. Some of the games I now own, like Apocalypse (aka The Warlord) and War & Peace, were purchased because of this book.
Which of these games do you own or have you played? Which games from the past decade should be added to the list?
- Bruce C. Shelley -- Acquire
- Nicole Lindroos -- Amber Diceless
- Ian Livingstone -- Amun-Re
- Stewart Wieck -- Ars Magica
- Thomas M. Reid -- Axis & Allies
- Tracy Hickman -- Battle Cry
- Philip Reed -- BattleTech
- Justin Achilli -- Blood Bowl
- Mike Selinker -- Bohnanza
- Tom Dalgliesh -- Britannia
- Greg Stolze -- Button Men
- Monte Cook -- Call of Cthulhu
- Steven E. Schend -- Carcassonne
- Jeff Tidball -- Car Wars
- Bill Bridges -- Champions
- Stan! -- Circus Maximus
- Tom Jolly -- Citadels
- Steven Savile -- Civilization
- Bruno Faidutti -- Cosmic Encounter
- Andrew Looney -- Cosmic Wimpout
- Skip Williams -- Dawn Patrol
- Alan R. Moon -- Descent
- Larry Harris -- Diplomacy
- Richard Garfield -- Dungeons & Dragons
- William W. Connors -- Dynasty League Baseball
- Christian T. Petersen -- El Grande
- Alessio Cavatore -- Empires in Arms
- Timothy Brown -- Empires of the Middle Ages
- Allen Varney -- The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
- Phil Yates -- Fire and Fury
- William Jones -- Flames of War
- Rick Loomis -- Fluxx
- John Kovalic -- Formula Dé
- Anthony J. Gallela -- The Fury of Dracula
- Jesse Scoble -- A Game of Thrones
- Lou Zocchi -- Gettysburg
- James Wallis -- Ghostbusters
- James M. Ward -- The Great Khan Game
- Gav Thorpe -- Hammer of the Scots
- Uli Blennemann -- Here I Stand
- S. Craig Taylor, Jr. -- A House Divided
- Scott Haring -- Illuminati
- Dana Lombardy -- Johnny Reb
- Darren Watts -- Junta
- Greg Stafford -- Kingmaker
- Lester Smith -- Kremlin
- Wolfgang Baur -- Legend of the Five Rings
- Marc W. Miller -- Lensman
- Ted S. Raicer -- London’s Burning
- Teeuwynn Woodruff -- Lord of the Rings
- Mike Breault -- Machiavelli
- Jordan Weisman -- Magic: The Gathering
- Steve Kenson -- Marvel Super Heroes
- Gary Gygax -- Metamorphosis Alpha
- Greg Costikyan -- My Life with Master
- John D. Rateliff -- Mythos
- Chris “Gerry” Klug -- Napoleon’s Last Battles
- John Scott Tynes -- Naval War
- Erick Wujcik -- Ogre
- Marc Gascoigne -- Once Upon a Time
- Mike Bennighof -- PanzerBlitz
- Steve Jackson -- Paranoia
- Shannon Appelcline -- Pendragon
- JD Wiker -- Pirate’s Cove
- Richard H. Berg -- Plague!
- Martin Wallace -- Power Grid
- Tom Wham -- Puerto Rico
- Joseph Miranda -- Renaissance of Infantry
- James Ernest -- RoboRally
- Jennell Jaquays -- RuneQuest
- Richard Dansky -- The Settlers of Catan
- Ken St. Andre -- Shadowfist
- Steven S. Long -- Shadowrun
- Peter Corless -- Shadows over Camelot
- Dale Donovan -- Silent Death: The Next Millennium
- Matt Forbeck -- Space Hulk
- Ray Winninger -- Squad Leader
- Lewis Pulsipher -- Stalingrad
- Bruce Nesmith -- Star Fleet Battles
- Steve Winter -- The Sword and the Flame
- Jeff Grubb -- Tales of the Arabian Nights
- Shane Lacy Hensley -- Talisman
- Douglas Niles -- Terrible Swift Sword
- Ed Greenwood -- Thurn and Taxis
- Mike Fitzgerald -- Ticket to Ride
- Thomas Lehmann -- Tigris & Euphrates
- Warren Spector -- Tikal
- David “Zeb” Cook -- Toon
- Mike Pondsmith -- Traveller
- Zev Shlasinger -- Twilight Struggle
- Kenneth Hite -- Unknown Armies
- Sandy Petersen -- Up Front
- R. Hyrum Savage -- Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
- George Vasilakos -- Vampire: The Masquerade
- Kevin Wilson -- Vinci
- R.A. Salvatore -- War and Peace
- Jack Emmert -- Warhammer 40,000
- Chris Pramas -- The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
- Steve Jackson -- The Warlord
- John Wick -- Wiz-War
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