Monday, November 07, 2005

Wallace and Gromit Creators to Create Animated Television Shows for US

Aardman animations has plans for new animated series to be distributed in the United States and the United Kingdom. According to ICV2, one of these ideas is a computer animated show called Chop Socky Chooks and features kung fu using chickens. I don't know about you, but this sounds like a winner to me. I have enjoyed the various comedic martial arts cartoons that have appeared on the television. Everything from Hong Kong Phooey to Xiaolin Showdown, with a number of shows in between (TMNT anyone?), has at one time or another played a role in my regular cartoon viewing schedule.

Kung Fu chickens and W/G? "Gromiiiiit?! It's the wrong Gi Gromit!"

You decide who's cooler...HKPh or Kung Fu Chicken.

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