Friday, October 14, 2005

Just who are the Cinerati?

Thanks to Cinerati member, David N. Scott for this one.

Naturally this game is obviously based on that machine of machines...MODOK, the Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing.

The Cinerati are obviously the: Constructs Intended for Nocturnal Exploration, Rational Assassination and Thorough Infiltration.

Construct Intended for Nocturnal Exploration, Rational Assassination and Thorough Infiltration

Number One is:

Networked Upgraded Machine Built for Efficient Repair, Observation and Nocturnal Exploration

Fritz is:

Functional Robotic Individual Trained for Zoology

Rob is:

Robotic Operational Being

Underfüt is:

Upgraded Networked Device Engineered for Repair, Fighting and Ultimate Troubleshooting

Logan 5 is:

Lifeform Optimized for Galactic Assassination and Nullification

If you want to see who David N. Scott and Burgandy Skies are click here.

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