Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Gygax Quiz Results

To be honest, this was the second take (the first take was 70%).   Between takes, I checked my copies of the Gord books and "bam!" did much better.  I used Bookshelf fu and not Google-fu.  I still missed the word that Gary didn't use in the DMG.

Christian Lindke took the Hardest Gary Gygax Quiz in the World and got 100%!

You are a Gary Gygax Dungeon Master. You are a world expert on Gary Gygax. My guess is you are either a former TSR employee or an extremely obsessive fan. You can be proud of your in-depth knowledge - few are so expert in any subject! Also, I would like to be in your D&D group.

Paladin Code: You completed this quiz without using Google.

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