Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

My wife and I are celebrating our final "pre-twin" Christmas, which is both exciting and a little sad as well. Sad? Yeah, surprisingly so.

Christmas has always been a little romantic affair between the wife and me. We've always treated it like a .5 anniversary, since it comes about 7 months after our wedding date. I'm sure Jody doesn't feel quite the same, but for me (in an extremely selfish mood)it's a little sad. Not too sad, just a little.

Oh, yeah, and exciting. It is so exciting thinking that next year we will be sharing this holiday with two little girls. I don't expect they'll know what all the bright lights and cheer will be about, they'll only be 9 months old or so, but we are already talking about our plans for next year.

Good tidings to all! Merry Christmas!

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